Juan Jáuregui

Game audio professional ====> Software developer

Waves in a room profile picture


An enormous desire to express myself with code was born during my audio implementation pair programming sessions with game developers. The language syntaxis and the logic 4 required to make sound play when needed in a game caught my attention the more I got in touch with them. It was not though until I wrote my first loops and conditional in C++ that I finally decided to take a step in a different direction.

What I like most about programming is the possibility to learn about yourself through each project completion. In my experience for example, I have noted that projects reflect the way you think through your lines of code, the way you plan their development stages and how you design their features. On the other hand, I think coding teaches you to embrace challenges, overcome frustration and why not, to enjoy learning from your failures and success.

One of my dreams with this new career journey with coding is to take part of endevours that help us people discover new horizons for the improvement of our society and the environment. To me technology has become an essential part of our lives and I would like to contribute to this new era of innovation that could be promising for us and the planet.

My other dreams include founding a company or exploring forms of art, music and code together that invite people to use technology as a tool to express their ideas to the world. I would love to undertake any of them in the future so my experience in music and business management can be also relevant in my mission to share my talent with the rest of the world. But for now, there's a lot to learn ahead for me because currently I am an apprentice and my my goal is to grow.

Hope you had a great time visiting my website and I would be happy to het in touch with you in the future.

Take care of yourself in the meantime.

